City & Guilds Approved Centre for IET 18th edition training

phs Compliance is now an authorised Centre for delivering and assessing electrical inspection training to the new BS 7671 IET Wiring Regulations 18th Edition standards. This initiative forms a key part of our ongoing investment in technical and quality excellence. We’re a leading nationwide provider of statutory electrical inspection services, and our duty of care to our customers ensures we are committed to maintaining our engineering workforce skillset at the forefront of national standards.

phs Compliance has initially rolled out City & Guilds training to all operational management & technical audit staff during August 2018. Between September and December 2018, we’ll be training and certifying over 260 of our electrical inspection engineers nationwide. We’re running invitation-only seminars for all electrical installation inspection customers nationwide too.

The IET 18th Edition is the essential publication for all professionals working in the electrical industry, forming the national standard to which all new and amended electrical installations in the UK are to comply and which come into force from January 2019. Those working on the design, installation, inspection and testing of wiring systems must remain compliant with the new 18th Edition, since there are widespread changes to the previous standard, including:

  • additions to the scope of BS 7671
  • changes to the disconnection times for certain circuits
  • further requirements for circuit protection in domestic dwellings
  • considerations for Arc Fault Detection in many installations
  • supporting of wiring systems
  • inspection and testing procedures.

City & Guilds Group remains the only awarding organisation with a portfolio offering learners the widest choice of employment routes within the industry, providing a complete wraparound within electrotechnical and building services sectors. City & Guilds has operated in the building services engineering sectors for decades, focused on meeting the needs of today’s workplace by providing up to date work based learning and qualifications. And City and Guilds products and services are recognised and endorsed by leading industry bodies and employer representatives such as the Electrical Contractors Association (ECA), the Joint Industry Body (JIB), and the Institute of Engineering Technology (IET).

City & Guilds Approved centre logo


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