Our Health & Safety performance

Line graph showing accident reporting statistics for phs Compliance


Thanks to our employees’ diligence and ownership of health & safety, we’re setting very high standards within our business.

Near Miss reporting statistics really are the safety barometer for any organisation. We have exceeded our Key Performance Indicators set for the year, recording 44 near misses compared to 4 during the same period last year. When reporting near misses, colleagues are observing and avoiding accidents before they happen.

Every single person in phs Compliance has done fantastically well. We’ve put clear blue water between our previous performance statistics. But we are not complacent, and we see positive change in our near-miss reporting as a starting point, not an end-point.

H&S training, year in year out

To fully enable the safety and safe working practices of all our employees, phs Compliance ensures H&S is a constant priority across the business. All employees access online training during induction and throughout every year via our new health & safety e-learning platform.

And all operational staff across our UK locations – involving 400+ engineers and operations managers – will soon be fully trained and accredited to IOSH (Institution of Occupational Safety & Health) standards, a leading global H&S membership organisation. 95% of operational management staff are IOSH “Managing Safely” accredited, with the remainder completing this very shortly.

This training is mandatory for legal, professional and moral reasons. And it ensures Health & Safety is at the forefront of everyone’s minds across phs Compliance.

H&S ownership & employee representation

Our H&S Committee meetings are held quarterly with key personnel in attendance, including employee representatives across all office locations and across all operational and back-office functions.
Agenda items we focus on include:
  • IOSH working safely course - engineers attendance
  • E-learning (safety media) requirements for all employees
  • Display screen assessments
  • Waste management
  • Point of work risk assessments
  • Driving behaviour

Our H&S Culture

What is culture? Culture is the normalised behaviour of a person in a group, or “how we do things around here.”

In phs Compliance, H&S is informed and driven by our colleagues. It is not purely owned, designed and enforced by management.

Individuals who are willing to challenge unsafe acts and report incidents are the drivers of our safety culture. We’ve recruited dedicated safety representatives from every part of our organisation who attend quarterly H&S meetings, bringing issues & concerns forward so that our business can deal with problems openly and positively.

To further help embed better health & safety behaviours, we also have a communications initiative called ‘Toolbox Talks’.

Tool Box Talks are designed to bring to life current hazards pertinent to our organisation and steps taken to mitigate them. They are delivered face to face by our team of field based supervisors. This approach enables real time communication to our engineers where all current issues are discussed in detail with their line management. The impact is twofold. Firstly, it enables clarity of some complicated technical issues but also it drives cohesion and a real “team” ethos which is vital when managing isolated engineers.

phs Compliance places H&S at the forefront of everything we do because at a fundamental level, we value our employees, and without engaged employees who value H&S, our organisation would not exist.


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