Mechanical Maintenance Services

phs Compliance delivers planned preventive maintenance for mechanical heating, cooling, air conditioning & ventilation infrastructure against manufacturer, SFG20 and CIBSE standards. 

We also offer reactive mechanical and electrical maintenance services on a bespoke basis for customers and will work with you to devise and deliver reactive maintenance programme service level agreements that your business needs.  

Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning PPM

Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning PPM

Air conditioning systems heat and cool all types of Commercial premises. These range from small wall-mounted single splits, to multiple indoor VRF systems. There are different types of Air

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Mechanical Maintenance: healthcare

Mechanical Maintenance: healthcare

phs Compliance deliver, nationwide, a range of mechanical maintenance services for our customer, a specialist treatment provider to the NHS. Our customer carries out over 500, 000 treatments every

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Statutory Inspection and Test: Westminster Abbey

Statutory Inspection and Test: Westminster Abbey

phs Compliance began working with Westminster Abbey in 2015, delivering electrical fixed wire, portable appliance and emergency lighting inspection and testing services across Westminster Abbey’s

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Built Asset Management: grocery retail

Built Asset Management: grocery retail

Our client, one of the UK’s ‘Big Four’ grocery retailers, needed technical expertise to better understand its building assets and facilities operations with specific reference to its superstores

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Statutory Inspection & Test: thoroughbred racing

Statutory Inspection & Test: thoroughbred racing

Statutory Inspection & Test: thoroughbred racing Awarded electrical inspection services following successful competitive tendering, phs Compliance delivers portable appliance inspection and

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